Academic Blog

5-Day Course International Arbitration Certification

Our international arbitration certification course will provide both a knowledge and an appreciation of commercial arbitration and its role within the global legal landscape. It offers the theory of arbitration law and practice with emphasis on the procedures of arbitration, both ad-hoc and institutional, and offers the practical side with

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1 Day Seminar 13 September 2018 Introduction to Investor State Dispute Settlement

FACT: While the push for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) continues to grow, disputes between investors and foreign countries have required adjudication for as long as there has been cross- border investment. When matters go wrong, a neutral dispute mechanism is important. Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) is an impartial international arbitration

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2-Day Course Introduction to ADR and International Commercial Arbitration

FACT: The demand for alternative dispute resolution (ADR) has grown exponentially on a global scale. The vast amount of diverse and multiplying opportunities promises lucrative rewards for those trained and experienced. Have you been considering a career transition or expansion into ADR? Does the idea of becoming an arbitrator, mediator,

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